The world is an educational institute and EVERYONE living, irrespective of age, race, or social status, is a student. Through this medium, I have the honour of sharing the lessons I'm learning in my evolution as a student in the Institute of Life. The pieces you read here are the products of my personal meditation and the contributions of other people that I have been blessed by. Have a nice time reading and please feel free to respond to them as you deem fit. Welcome to my World!
Monday, 11 February 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Rameses was THE STARTING POINT for the children of Israel on their way out of Egypt to the Promised Land.
3b-4: What a contrast of fate! As the Israelites were marching out of Egypt, their land of bondage, with boldness, the Egyptians were all downcast and in great mourning burying their dead firstborns! Only God can wreak such CONTRAST OF FATE when a former downtrodden slave can saunter confidently while his hitherto haughty master looks on morosely.
38: AARON died at 123 on mount Hor on the first day of the fifth month (Jewish calendar) in the 40th year of the journey of the Israelites.
50-53: God’s charge to the people of Israel on WHAT TO DO WITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND of Canaan; they were to be dispossessed and driven out of the land, and their engraved stones, moulded images and high places destroyed.
54: God instructed a DIVISION of the land BY LOT as an inheritance among the families, and then a PROPORTIONATE ALLOTMENT of the land to each family according to their sizes.
55: The consequences of NOT ELIMINATING ALL THE INHABITANTS of the land/territory one is to take over. The remnants will eventually constitute irritants in one’s eyes, thorns in the flesh and a source of harassment to the person. This is also applicable to one’s habits after being born again. Those habits/indulgences that one did not get rid of will constantly be the Achilles’ heels that the devil will use to get one to fall.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
1-3: SELF DETERMINATION is very essential for the expression of self and fulfilment in life. The children of Reuben and Gad saw what they wanted – a good pasture for their large livestock – in the land of Jazer and Gilead, and they went to Moses to seek his permission to allow them settle there, as there was no point for them to go further with the congregation across the Jordan when they had already seen all they needed for sustenance before the Jordan.
9: DISCOURAGEMENT, either external or internal, can prevent one from making the necessary move to take possession of what God has given one.
11: NOT FOLLOWING GOD WHOLLY, that is with unflinching dedication, can also prevent one from ATTAINING THE PROMISE. It halted a whole generation of Israel from attaining what had been given to them by Divine Promise many years before they were even born.
15: TURNING AWAY FROM God can lead to Him abandoning one in the wilderness (the vicissitudes of life), and this might lead to the destruction of the person.
6-33: There is a PRICE TO PAY FOR GETTING WHAT YOU WANT. In the case of the children of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh, it was patiently enduring the castigation of Moses and resolving to go with the army of Israel across the Jordan to fight the battle that would make them the sole occupants of Canaan.
39: For there to a POSSESSION, there must first e a DISPOSSESSION. The children of Machir had to fight and dispossess the Amorites before they could possess their land.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
1-11: MOSES’ LAST ASSIGNMENT was mobilising of the army of Israel to go to war against the Midianites, to take VENGEANCE FOR God for using feminine seduction to draw the hearts of His people away and thereby positioning them against Him.
12-18: Dealing with the outward manifestation of a SIN will not be as effective as dealing with the real cause or SOURCE OF THE SIN. Moses was angry with the army of Israel because they spared the women of Midian, who were the ones that lured them into sin against God in the first place. They had to be killed in order to forestall a re-occurrence.
19-20: SELF PURIFICATION for the army of Israel after the war, a 7-day exercise.
21-23: PURIFICATION OF OBJECTS: Only the items which can endure fire, such as gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, and lead shall be put through fire for purification. The ones that cannot should be put through the water.
25-31-47: Another of GOD’S RECOMMENDATION FOR SHARING: He commanded that the booty gained from the war with the Midianites be divided into two and that the army who went to war took one half while the whole congregation of Israel shared the remaining half. Then to cater for the Levites who did not fall into any of these two categories, God instructed that one out of every 500 of the army’s booty be given to the High Priest as a heave offering to the LORD, while one out of every 50 of the booty accruing to the congregation be given to the Levites as their own portion. Isn’t the LORD simply wonderful and so thoughtful?
48-54: The APPRECIATIVE HEARTS of the LEADERS of the arm of Israel; without being prompted, they came on their own to offer a thanksgiving offering to God after conducting a head count and discovering that NONE of the soldiers whom they took to war died in the battle.
Friday, February 15, 2008
1-2: A MAN is bound by his VOWS. In other words, the word of a man is his bond.
3-5: A WOMAN’s VOW, on the other hand, is subject to the ratification of her father (if she is not married) or that of her husband (if she is married) for it to be valid in the eyes of God.
6: God recognises that women are more prone to spontaneous EMOTIONAL REACTION in the heat of the moment than men, and this could lead to them making rash utterances, hence His provision for a review of the vow of a woman by her father or her husband for it to be valid. Unfortunately, men do not have this privilege, and therefore must be very very cautious in making a vow before God if they do not have the will to fulfil it. (Compare Ecclesiastes 5:1-6)
9: A WIDOW or a DIVORCED WOMAN is bound by her vows because she does not have the covering of a man to ratify it.
10: However, if the WIDOW’s or a DIVORCED WOMAN’s VOW was nullified while she had a husband, then it is no longer binding on her.
14-15: By DELAYING TO NULLIFY HIS WIFE’s VOW immediately if he does not agree with it, only to do so a day after or much later, a man will end up bearing the guilt and the consequences of the woman’s failing, and she will be absolved of all blame.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Vs 1-2: God is particular about OFFERINGS due to Him being offered at their APPOINTED TIME, and not at the convenience of the person. Now offerings to God may not necessarily be money.
Vs 16: THE PASSOVER is on the 14th day in the first month of the Jewish calendar.
Vs 17: The FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD starts the following day, that is the 15th day, and it is a seven-day affair.
Vs 3, 9, 11, 19, 31: God is also very particular that WHATEVER is offered to Him is WITHOUT BLEMISH. In fact, this is one phrase that is recurrent whenever a reference is made to an item to be offered as an offering to God. The story of Cain and Abel was a classical reference to lend credence to God’s disposition where offering is concerned.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Vs 1-4: The bravery of the DAUGHTERS OF ZELOPHEHAD; they did not keep to themselves, mourn their lot, nor resort to murmuring and castigating the injustice of God and men in silence. On the contrary, they took their case, on the inheritance of their father, to Moses and the whole congregation of Israel and presented their case dispassionately.
Vs 1-5: A lesson in LEADERSHIP: Moses did not make out to have the answer to the question of the daughters of Zelophehad. He simply took the matter to God to know what He had to say about it. This is a show of humility, it requires humility on the part of a leader not to try and show/prove to his people that he has all the answers to their questions at his fingertips.
Vs 6-11: What came out of Moses’ session with God was the LAW OF INHERITANCE, a body of regulations which state who can inherit someone’s inheritance after his death.
Vs 12-14: God’s grouse against Moses, that prevented him from getting to the Promised Land, was that he allowed the strife of the congregation to get to him and so rebelled against the command of God by not hallowing Him in the eyes of the people.
Vs 15-20: THE HEART OF A LEADER: Moses knowing his time had come to die asked God to give the people someone else who would lead them to the Promised Land, and not leave them without a shepherd. Note that Joshua had been Moses’ PA for some time, but that did not make him the automatic choice for the leadership position until God Himself chose him.
Vs 18-23: The INAUGURATION OF JOSHUA as the successor of Moses.
Vs 18: Joshua was one of the few individuals in the Old Testament who had the HOLY SPIRIT
Vs 20: it was not all the AUTHORITY OF MOSES that was passed on to Joshua at the time of his inauguration. The Bible records that it was some of Moses’ authority that was transferred to him.
Vs 20: AUTHORITY is needed for a leader to command the obedience of his people. Joshua was conferred with it in order for him to command the respect of the people of Israel.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Joshua 24:15:
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live
Matthew 6:33:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Colossians 3:1-3
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Luke 10:38-42
Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Noah chose to listen to God’s instruction and went on to build the ark in spite of general ridicule.
CONSEQUENCE: He was able to save his life and members of his household when the flood came. (Genesis 6 & 7)
Abraham chose to let go and decided to sacrifice his son Isaac to God.
CONSEQUENCE: God blessed him greatly. (Genesis 22)
Lot decided to host the (Angels) visitors and bear the wrath of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah by not releasing them (the visitors) to them to be defiled.
CONSEQUENCE: He and his family were spared from the divine judgment that befell the cities. (Genesis 19)
Joseph chose not to shortcut his destiny by giving in to the momentary pleasures of sleeping with Potiphar’s wife
CONSEQUENCE: He rose to the number two person in Egypt, the most powerful country in the world then. (Genesis 39 & 41)
Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, brought good reports about the Promised Land.
CONSEQUENCE: They ended up getting there, while others were destroyed in the wilderness. (Numbers 13 & 14)
Rahab risked her life by hiding the two spies that were sent to spy the land of Jericho
CONSEQUENCE: She had her life and that of her whole family saved when the Israelites conquered the city. (Joshua 2 & 6)
Ruth chose to follow Naomi and submitted to her mentoring
CONSEQUENCE: She ended up marrying Boaz, a very wealthy man, and also became the grandmother of David as well as the ancestress of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ruth 1-4)
David chose not be intimidated by size, but launched out to fight Goliath.
CONSEQUENCE: He won the battle and earned national honour as a result. (1 Samuel 17)
Solomon asked God for wisdom rather than riches and honour
CONSEQUENCE: God gave him more than he asked for. (1 Kings 3)
Elisha chose to ignore the ‘sons of the prophets’ and followed Elijah all through till he was taken to heaven.
CONSEQUENCE: He got a double portion of the anointing of Elijah. (2 Kings 2)
The Shunamite woman took it upon herself to always host Elisha whenever he was in town.
CONSEQUENCE: God gave her a son after many years in marriage. (2 Kings 4:8-17)
Namaan, the Syrian general, listened to the advice of his servants and went to bathe in river Jordan as Elisha had instructed.
CONSEQUENCE: He came out cleansed of his leprosy. (2 kings 5:1-19)
King Hezekiah chose to cry out to God, rather than mourn, when he was told he would die from his sickness.
CONSEQUENCE: God healed him and added 15 years to his life. (2 Kings 20:1-11)
Esther chose to risk her life for the salvation of her people by going in to the king’s chamber uninvited, after praying and fasting for three days!
CONSEQUENCE: God gave her favour and the Jews were spared. (Esther 4, 5 & 8)
Job chose to remain faithful to God in spite of his many great afflictions.
CONSEQUENCE: God restored him and gave him twice everything he lost. (Job 1 & 42)
Daniel chose not to compromise the rules of God while in the king’s palace
CONSEQUENCE: He was outstanding among his peers. (Daniel 1)
He also chose to defy the king’s command and pray to God
CONSEQUENCE: God spared his life and eliminated all his enemies. (Daniel 6)
Meshach, Shedrach, and Abednego chose not to displease God by bowing to the idols of Nebuchadnezzar
CONSEQUENCE: God spared their lives in the fiery furnace. (Daniel 3)
The prodigal son chose to repent and go home to his father after squandering all his wealth.
CONSEQUENCE: He was warmly received and celebrated by his father. (Luke 15:11-24)
Peter chose to repent after denying Jesus 3 different times.
CONSEQUENCE: He was restored and later became the head of the apostles.
Eve chose to listen to the reasoning of the serpent against the instruction of God
Adam also listened to the lures of his wife.
CONSEQUENCE: They both ended up being banished from the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3)
The wife of Lot looked back in spite the angels’ instruction not to do so.
CONSEQUENCE: She became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19)
Isaac stayed in Gerar in obedience to God, in spite of the great famine there
CONSEQUENCE: He prospered beyond all human reasoning. (Gen 26:1-14)
Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge.
CONSEQUENCE: He lost his father’s blessings as a result. (Genesis 25:29-34)
The ten spies chose to see the negative things in the Promised Land and therefore brought an evil report about the place to the Israelites.
CONSEQUENCE: They never got there. (Numbers 13 & 14)
King Saul chose to go against the counsel of God by sparing the life of Agag, the king of the Amalek, and bringing home the best of the land.
CONSEQUENCE: God rejected him as king over Israel. (1 Samuel 15:1-28)
David chose to stay home at a time when kings go out to fight wars, and got involved with Bathsheba, impregnated her, and killed her husband to save face.
CONSEQUENCE: He brought curse and blood upon his own household as a result. (2 Samuel 11-12:14)
Solomon married heathen women who influenced and led him astray from God
CONSEQUENCE: God tore the kingdom of Israel from him and gave it to his servant. (1 Kings 11:1-11)
Rehoboam chose to listen to the advice of youths on governance over the ones given him by the elders.
CONSEQUENCE: The kingdom of Israel was divided into two during his days, with only two tribes left for him to rule. (1 Kings 12:1-19)
This prophet of Judah disobeyed the prior instruction of God not to stay in the land.
CONSEQUENCE: A lion killed him on his way. (1 Kings 13:1-24)
Lesson: You alone, and no one else, are responsible for whatever instruction God gave you.
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, went to Namaan to collect some money without his master’s knowledge.
CONSEQUENCE: He inherited Namaan’s leprosy as well. (2 Kings 5)
Queen Vashti chose to disregard her husband’s invitation to come and show herself to the nobles
CONSEQUENCE: She lost the queenship of the kingdom of Persia to Esther. (Esther 1)
Hamaan chose to be bitter about Mordecai’s perceived insolence to him, and earnestly sought to take his life and wipe out his people, the Jews, as well.
CONSEQUENCE: He ended up being hung on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai. (Esther 5 & 6)
Judas, after betraying Jesus, chose regret over repentance.
CONSEQUENCE: He went to hang himself. (Matthew 27:3-5)
Ananias and Sapphira connived to lie to the church.
CONSEQUENCE: They paid for it with their lives. (Acts 5)
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