Monday, 3 April 2017


When seeking the roadmap to success in career and business, you must essentially look in three places:
  1. LOOK UP: to God for instructions, the blueprint of what you are meant to do, the direction detailing how you are to go about it, when, where, and for His favour,
  1. LOOK INWARD: inside yourself and do a written inventory of your strengths, your skills, your flairs, your talents and the gifts of God in you that have commercial potential, and finally
  1. LOOK OUT: for opportunities in the marketplace where the application of your endowments will prove both useful and profitable. Look out for people who can be of use to you as service providers, mentors, strategic partners, amongst others.
These three steps are by no means exhaustive in accomplishing business/career success. But they sure can get you on the path if you do them rightly.
To your success!


Friday, 31 March 2017

M E D I T A T I O N & I N S I G H T S (2)


 You’ll know if you are adding value to people when your encounters with them make their eyes shine brightly, make them smile, or make them say “thank you On the other hand, you’ll know if you are depleting from people if every day your encounters with them make them frown, make them groan “Oh no, not again!” or make them say “I’m sorry.” Now that you know, make your life count every day in 2008!
 I love You. 

Thursday, 30 March 2017

M E D I T A T I O N & I N S I G H T S (3)


In our bid to enforce what we think is right we sometimes find ourselves fighting against God without knowing. How? Humanly speaking, it was not proper for Joseph to be the favored son of his father and for him to still be telling his brothers about his dreams. It was not proper for an ordinary carpenter to rise up one day and claim to be the Son of God and be preaching doctrines that were at variance with the law of the day. It was not proper for Stephen to say that he saw God and Jesus seated on the throne (who has ever seen God and live?) and not expect to be stoned to death. It was improper for some people to claim to be of The Way (Christianity) and be practising a religion contrary to Judaism, why shouldn’t someone as fervent as Paul persecute them to death? It was improper for Pharaoh, a pagan king, to rise up one day and claim the LORD asked him to go fight a battle; king Josiah was one of my favourite personalities in the bible, but he met his death at age 39 trying to stop Pharaoh on his God-assigned task. It takes discernment and sensitivity in the spirit to identify the God-factor in any situation and then act appropriately. Of all the foolish things a man can do, running on a collision course against God (knowingly/unknowingly) is the most dangerous. The result is predictable. 

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

M E D I T A T I O N & I N S I G H T S (Continued...)

While the whole congregation of Israel were in the presence of God mourning, weeping, and offering sacrifices, the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead were not represented. Therefore, in making good their word, the Israelites sent warriors to the city and killed all the children, the men and every married woman in that land. They spared only the virgins whom they brought to the camp and then gave as wives to the men of Benjamin. Another insight I derived from this new development is that it is those who do not spend time in the presence of God that will be made to pay the price or be used as pawn to execute the solutions that those who spend time in the presence of God come up with. The people of Jabesh Gilead who were found wanting in God’s presence were the ones who forfeited their lives so that their virgins could be given to the Benjamites as wives. This underscores the need for every one of us to cultivate the habit of spending time in God’s presence, so that we do not become perpetual tools (for the accomplishment of the purpose) of those of who do. Shalom!


The Spirit of God is gentle and at the same very strong. Among other things, He is an inspirer, a motivator, an enabler and an energiser. When He dwells upon someone He enables such person to do great and mighty things that he wouldn’t have been able to do in his own steam or human strength (Check Judges 11:29, 14:6, 14:19, 15:14, 1Samuel 10:6, 1Samuel 10;10-11, 11:6-7, 1Kings 18:46 etc etc). However, when He leaves someone, He usually does so in a quiet and unobtrusive way that the person may not even know that the Spirit has departed. Especially if such person is given to routine (as we all are), he will continue to perform his customary tasks and other activities every day without any inkling that he is on his own, without the Presence of God! The Spirit usually departs from someone during a moment of carelessness, un-guardedness, compromise, disobedience etc. So how does one know when the Spirit of God has left him? One may not know when the Spirit takes His leave. On the surface, everything will still look and appear normal. And there may not even be an inner turmoil to indicate the departure. However, one of the indications that will help one to know is if he finds himself struggling, perspiring, exerting and experiencing so much stress to accomplish things he used to do before with relative ease. Then such person needs to do a personal check to know where he has lost it. A case study in this instance is Samson. He was a very strong person because of the hand of God upon him. He tore a lion apart with bare hands (Judges 14:6), killed a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey (judges 15:15), and carried on his shoulders two gateposts with people on them and walked some distance to the top of a hill (Judges 16:1-4)! He was indeed a very strong man; one of the strongest men in recorded history. And that was simply because the Spirit of God was upon him. But when he lost it, he didn’t know it, he didn’t feel it, and no bell rang in his head to announce his loss of Essence. The Bible captures it thus: Judges 16:20 And she said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” So he awoke from his sleep, and said “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the LORD had departed from him. See what happened after that: Judges 16:21, 25 Then the Philistines took him and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza. They bound him with gold fetters, and he became a grinder in the prison….So it happened, when their hearts were merry, they said, “Call for Samson, that he may perform for us.” So they called for Samson from the prison, and he performed for them… So how does one get back the Spirit of God? It is simple. All you need to do is personal consecration and rededication of yourself to God. He is more than willing to occupy His kingly place in your life and scheme of things. But you have to be willing to allow Him the space. It is very important that you note that the race of life is full of ups and downs. Therefore, having the indwelling of the Spirit of God or losing same is not a once-for-all phenomenon. No, no. As often as you become conscious of the loss, so should you do the needful consecration and rededication to get yourself back on stream. May the LORD help us. It’s my pleasure sharing this piece of meditation with you. Shalom!

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

M E D I T A T I O N & I N S I G H T S (Part 1)


Problems and challenges abound in the world of the living. And we dare not deceive ourselves by hoping that they will all end some day. The day that one ceases to have issues to contend with is the day he bids the world goodbye. To lend credence to this fact, the Bible records
 in the book of Job 5:7 that man is born to trouble as indubitably as the sparks fly in no other direction but upward. So having established the fact that problems and challenges abound in the world in different forms and sizes, how can they be solved as they arise? Where does one run to for solution when confronted with challenges? There are a number of recourses available for men to explore in solving the various challenges of life, such as one’s learning, past experience in handling a similar situation, parents, friends and loved ones, a consultant/counsellor etc. While any or all of these measures can prove to be very helpful, however, the most effective solutions are those given by God, and the best answers to all our questions are found in the presence of God. I derived this insight from the Holy Bible, the book of Judges

Chapter 21. The Israelites were faced with a major problem; preventing the extinction of one of the 12 tribes that formed the pillars of their nation, the tribe of Benjamin. They had themselves launched a reprisal war on the Benjamites (read Judges Chapters 19 & 20 for details) and killed hundreds of thousands of them in the war, as well as every living thing that were found in their land. Only 600 men of the Benjamites who fled from the battle front and went to hide in the rock remained, every other person had been killed; old and young, men and women. And since the Israelites had vowed before God not to give their daughters as wives to the Benjamites, then the tribe faced the risk of total extinction, as there were only 600 survivors left in the whole tribe, and they were all men! This made the Israelites went to the house of God to seek counsel on what should be done. And there they found the answer to their question. Without speaking through a prophet, God gave them a circumstantial direction on what to do to get wives for the men of Benjamin without having to break their vow.