God created all of us to be star
performers in our different and specific spheres of calling; He did not create
anybody to be an also-run. He created
us for impact and significance. He is excellence-driven and He wants us to
function same way – that was why He created us like Him (according to His
likeness). Jesus also confirmed that God is delighted when we bear fruits, and
that is one way we prove our discipleship.
Performing wherever you are should be
a given; particularly for Christians who have the Holy Spirit who guides,
motivates, and helps them.They ought to achieve more than those who do not have
such aid. The Holy Spirit is there to help us and infuse us with all we need to
be star performers; be it as a wife, mother, child, husband, member of a
corporate setting, and in every calling.
An anomaly common among Christians is
to carry spirituality on their head in the workplace at the expense of official
responsibilities. Except for those who work in a church, nobody gets employed
or paid for his or her level of spirituality. In a corporate setting, the
length of your prayer time, the number of scriptures you can quote do not
impact on your salary. Outside the workplace even, as a husband, the number of
scriptures you know does not translate into being an effective husband to your
wife or father to your children. Life is in compartments and we are meant to
thrive in each of these compartments.