Friday, 4 May 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 3)

2. Confirm Expectations and Requirements
All of us are fulfilling several roles across different strata of life. One person may have multiple roles with functions that he or she has to fulfil based on his or her roles. A woman in her mid-30s can be wife to her husband, mother to her children, daughter to her parents, sister to her siblings, staff in an organisation, unit head or team member in that same organisation, member of a church or some voluntary organisations, and member of one or more units in that same institution.

All these are roles performed by one person, and each comes with its own distinct demands. If you therefore desire to turn in a five-star performance in each of these roles, then you must know the specific tasks required of you for each of them, because each role has different responsibilities attached to it that may not be applicable in the others. You should know what you are supposed to do on a regular, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to fulfil your role. Taking steps to know what is expected or required of you helps you to have a complete picture of what you ought to do.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 2)

Now let’s consider the 13 all-important steps that will elevate you to the status of a star performer.

1. Know Yourself
Know yourself. Know your strengths, limits, talents, gifts, deficiencies. Know where you will thrive and flourish; know where you will struggle and not be able to cope. All of us are not supposed to work everywhere; so, once you understand yourself, it helps you make decisions as to what you should orshould not do. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you are working in a bank and your job description does not match your strengths, you will be struggling and will not find joy in what you are doing. The kind of satisfaction that comes from doing what you are naturally cut out for will elude you.

Even though research has revealed that the Nigerian workforce work mainly for the pay and not out of interest, you still owe yourself the duty of making a choice as to where you want to work, such that going to work will not be something you dread every day.

Understanding yourself will also guide you in the choice of whom to marry. If you know the kind of person you are, even if someone is the gentlest of women, you will not go for her if she does not match your personality profile. She may even be the most brilliant woman around, if she will not complement you, then you will not go for her, the same applies to women.

Knowing yourself saves you a lot of hassles; it saves you a lot of money as well. Even in the area of business, it’s not all businesses that are suitable for you. It you want to go into any business, it should be in your areas of endowment, not one that is alien to you. It is not everything that promises money that gives money. Knowing yourself helps you to be a star performer. Knowing yourself gives you some level of confidence.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 1)

God created all of us to be star performers in our different and specific spheres of calling; He did not create anybody to be an also-run. He created us for impact and significance. He is excellence-driven and He wants us to function same way – that was why He created us like Him (according to His likeness). Jesus also confirmed that God is delighted when we bear fruits, and that is one way we prove our discipleship.

Performing wherever you are should be a given; particularly for Christians who have the Holy Spirit who guides, motivates, and helps them.They ought to achieve more than those who do not have such aid. The Holy Spirit is there to help us and infuse us with all we need to be star performers; be it as a wife, mother, child, husband, member of a corporate setting, and in every calling.

An anomaly common among Christians is to carry spirituality on their head in the workplace at the expense of official responsibilities. Except for those who work in a church, nobody gets employed or paid for his or her level of spirituality. In a corporate setting, the length of your prayer time, the number of scriptures you can quote do not impact on your salary. Outside the workplace even, as a husband, the number of scriptures you know does not translate into being an effective husband to your wife or father to your children. Life is in compartments and we are meant to thrive in each of these compartments.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

10 Simple Ways To Know You Are In The Job You Are Naturally Cut Out For (Part 2)

Ok, now to the titbits: how do you identify the job you are naturally cut out for or ascertain the one you are doing now is it?

1.    You will enjoy doing what you do, and it won’t be a drag or drudgery to you.

2.    Time will not be “of essence”, and you will not be watching it, since you can start whenever you like and end whenever you like. I agree that this one may be a hard pill for the apostles of structure to swallow. But, check it out in the lives of those who are all fired up about their job.

3.    You flow seamlessly into the work, with minimal or no friction anytime, any day, and in most places. You also hands off your work with a teeny feeling of reluctance, but a soothing sense of accomplishing something.

4.    You are doing something by which people generally hail you or associate you whenever they see you or thoughts of you pop up on their mind.

5.    Money is not a major consideration for doing what you are doing. Although it is a necessity of life and a viable motivation factor, your primary drive is derived from your sheer involvement in and satisfaction with what you are doing.

6.    You want to learn all you can about the vocation, or certain aspects of it where you feel you can still be better.

7.    You want to make everyone who comes into contact with you an artisan in the vocation. You want to teach them, help them, guide them, and/or instruct them on how to do it. And you will be willing to do all these, even at no fee.

8.    You want to passionately defend, justify, or clarify certain notions about the vocation, or its operational aspects, that you feel is wrongly bandied or misconstrued by people.

9.    You are agitated when you see people who are similarly engaged doing the same work the way it ought not be done, either by underperforming, under-delivering, or not conforming to certain norms and standards pertaining to it.

10. You eagerly look forward to getting up from bed every day you have to work to get on the task or an assignment you have in hand. And you won’t mind sleeping late engaged in what you are doing. In the event you are busy doing something else, you are not so excited and you can’t wait to be done with it to get back to your love vocation.

Like I mentioned, this list is neither authoritative nor exhaustive. You may be presently engaged in the job you are naturally cut out for and not find yourself in any of the above bits. We will like to learn your own slant to this.


Monday, 30 April 2018

10 Simple Ways To Know You Are In The Job You Are Naturally Cut Out For (Part 1)

Dear friends,

I found myself in the meditation mode not long ago and the object of my rumination was why some people seem to derive so much fun in their jobs – bubbling in their productivity therein – while some only do the required rounds, watch the clock and tick the day.

I know this is a much-discussed issue in the career industry worldwide, with various postulations and sophisticated theories. So, I was under no illusion that I was going to come up with a groundbreaking solution that would land me a Nobel Prize for solving a nagging human problem. However, the Pilot of my flight of consciousness was not discouraged, but kept on conducting me to a point where I was able to capture some bits on what usually separates an excited worker from a placid one.

The distinguishing factor is interest – borne out of the natural configuration of each individual. It is a fact that we are not all wired the same way; even identical twins may not have identical emotional sparks. Therefore, individual interest plays an important role in job gratification, which in turn results in productivity. That does not discountenance some external or psychological variables that may facilitate or hinder job performance, such as remuneration, work environment, and self-esteem, to mention a few.

So, on the fulcrum of interest only, I came up with the following 10 submissions that will help an individual to ascertain what kind of job s/he is naturally cut out for, and if s/he is presently engaged in one. I’m not sure the list below can be described as authoritative, neither is it exhaustive; so, I’ll welcome inputs from you guys.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Problems, Solutions and Problem-Solvers

Problems and challenges abound in the world of the living. And we dare not deceive ourselves by hoping that they will all end someday. The day that one ceases to have issues to contend with is the day he bids the world goodbye. To lend credence to this fact, the Bible records in the book of Job 5:7 that man is born to trouble as indubitably as the sparks fly in no other direction but upward.

So having established the fact that problems and challenges abound in the world in different forms and sizes, how can they be solved as they arise? Where does one run to for solution when confronted with challenges?

There are a number of recourses available for men to explore in solving the various challenges of life, such as one’s learning, past experience in handling a similar situation, parents, friends and loved ones, a consultant/counselor, etc. While any or all of these measures can prove to be very helpful, however, the most effective solutions are those given by God, and the best answers to all our questions are found in the presence of God.

I derived this insight from the Holy Bible, the book of Judges Chapter 21. The Israelites were faced with a major problem; preventing the extinction of one of the 12 tribes that formed the pillars of their nation, the tribe of Benjamin.

They had themselves launched a reprisal war on the Benjamites (read Judges Chapters 19 & 20 for details) and killed hundreds of thousands of them in the war, as well as every living thing that were found on their land. Only 600 men of the Benjamites who fled from the battlefront and went to hide in the rock remained, every other person had been killed; old and young, men and women.

And since the Israelites had vowed before God not to give their daughters as wives to the Benjamites, then the tribe faced the risk of total extinction, as there were only 600 survivors left in the whole tribe, and they were all men!

This made the Israelites went to the house of God to seek counsel on what should be done. And there they found the answer to their question. Without speaking through a prophet, God gave them a circumstantial direction on what to do to get wives for the men of Benjamin without having to break their vow.

While the whole congregation of Israel was in the presence of God mourning, weeping, and offering sacrifices, the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead were not represented. Therefore, in making good their word, the Israelites sent warriors to the city and killed all the children, the men and every married woman in that land. They spared only the virgins whom they brought to the camp and then gave as wives to the men of Benjamin.

Another insight I derived from this new development is that it is those who do not spend time in the presence of God that will be made to pay the price or be used as pawn to execute the solutions that those who spend time in the presence of God come up with. The people of Jabesh Gilead who were found wanting in God’s presence were the ones who forfeited their lives so that their virgins could be given to the Benjamites as wives.

This underscores the need for every one of us to cultivate the habit of spending time in God’s presence, so that we do not become perpetual tools (for the accomplishment of the purpose) of those of who do.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Places To Look For Career And Business Success

When seeking the roadmap to success in career and business, you must essentially look in three places:

1.      LOOK UP: to God for instructions, the blueprint of what you are meant to do, the direction detailing how you are to go about it, when, where, and for His favour,

2.      LOOK INWARD: inside yourself and do a written inventory of your strengths, your skills, your flairs, your talents and the gifts of God in you that have commercial potential, and finally

3.      LOOK OUT: for opportunities in the marketplace where the application of your endowments will prove both useful and profitable. Look out for people who can be of use to you as service providers, mentors, strategic partners, amongst others.

These three steps are by no means exhaustive in accomplishing business/career success. But they sure can get you on the path if you do them rightly.

To your success!
