Thinking can either make or cost you a fortune
The ability to think through a process and come up with a clear picture of what needs to be done, and in what order, can either make you a fortune, if mastered, or be costing you a fortune if unknown.
The world is an educational institute and EVERYONE living, irrespective of age, race, or social status, is a student. Through this medium, I have the honour of sharing the lessons I'm learning in my evolution as a student in the Institute of Life. The pieces you read here are the products of my personal meditation and the contributions of other people that I have been blessed by. Have a nice time reading and please feel free to respond to them as you deem fit. Welcome to my World!
Thinking can either make or cost you a fortune
The ability to think through a process and come up with a clear picture of what needs to be done, and in what order, can either make you a fortune, if mastered, or be costing you a fortune if unknown.
Why you shouldn’t try to be successful
I grew up brainwashed with the axiom that one must be successful in life. So, I naturally sought success in everyday encounters, books and motivational sessions. But, the more I learned the regimen of success – they call them tips – the more confused I became. Some of them go: you must wake up at so-so time and sleep by another time, you must dress this way, you must walk this way, you must talk this way, you must weigh this size, you must say some things to yourself in the mirror every day, you must keep some kind of persons as friends, you must show up, you could drop out of school, you must marry this kind of person… The list is endless, with each success expert postulating his/her own theory. I wagered that if I apply one-tenth of these theories, I would lose my sense of self in the process. So, I made a simple resolution: I don’t want to be successful again; I only want to be me. And if success is fortunate to come my way in the course of my being me, then congrats to success. It is more important to be me than to be successful.
Respect these kinds of people
Respect the man (or woman) whose parents left nothing but went ahead to build an entity and make a name for him/herself. It is not easy to build something out of nothing. Honour the (wo)man whose parents bequeathed with much and who went on to multiply and make it bigger. Such breeds are very rare, as most children of affluence rarely excel their parents.
Burning your bridges
What you do immediately after burning your bridges (making it impossible for you to turn back) will determine if you are set up for success or failure.
Success is not a destination
Success is not a destination, but a state of being which was not before. The best word to describe success is attainment.
Insight is slow but incisive
Wisdom is not always the most vocal or the most eloquent; neither is the solution always the most popular or the most promising option. But insight, by virtue of the labour it places on itself before expression, is usually slow but incisive.
Not everyone who sees discerns the truth
Not everyone who has a head uses it to think beyond the banalities of life; not everyone who speaks knows the rudiments of what they are harping about; and not everyone who sees discerns the truth from the facts.