Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Listening for Professional Development

No doubt we spend most hours of our days on our job, and a greater percentage of those hours are spent listening to our superiors, our colleagues, our subordinates, and even our clients and customers.  If you want to be the toast of your colleagues and clients, simply listen to them. Apart from this, the habit of attentive listening enhances your personal competence and performance on the job. The man who listens well will perform better than his colleagues who are less attentive. To this effect, Hybels and Weaver (2001:70) say:

Researchers have found that there is a direct connection between good listening skills and productivity on the job. When employees were given training in listening before they received training in computer techniques, they were more productive than employees who hadn’t had the listening training.

In a related comment, Carnegie (1940:102) quotes Eliot to have said: “there is no mystery about successful business intercourse… Exclusive attention to the person who is speaking to you is very important.  Nothing else is as flattering as that”.

The importance of attentive listening for productivity at the workplace cannot be over-stressed. By listening attentively to your superiors, you will always get the details of their instructions and carry out tasks with little or no mistake; by listening em-pathetically to your colleagues and subordinates, you are better positioned to help and/or enhance them to perform better; by patiently listening to your clients, you are able to get the essential feedback you need to improve your product or service and this will ultimately increase your bottom line.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Listening for Social Integration

The social aspect of man describes his relationships with the outside world. The extent to which man is accepted and esteemed by the society is dependent on the degree of his integration in the society.

No doubt every man desires to be liked and appreciated by everyone, although most will deny this. Carnegie (194:38), while summing this need of man to be liked, cites Williams James as saying that “the deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated”.

Therefore, a man who wants to be seen as friendly and sociable by his fellow men must be a good listener. The Bible also lends credence to this verity, saying the man who would have many friends must himself be friendly (Proverbs 18:24), and being friendly in this sense means being an empathetic listener. Listening is one of the ways to appreciate people. Osborne (1997:10), citing Caldwell, beautifully captures this nature of man thus:

Man does not need to go to the moon or the solar systems.  He does not require bigger and better bombs and missiles. He will not die if he does not get better housing or more vitamins…
His basic needs are few, and it takes a little to acquire them, in spite of the advertisers. He can survive on a small amount of bread and the meanest shelter… 
His real need, his most terrible need, is for someone to listen to him, not as a patient; but as a human soul.

On the other hand, anyone who continually violates this law of appreciation and always assumes the centre of all conversations, without leaving room for others to speak, will have only himself to blame when he discovers that people are beginning to avoid him like the plague. Carnegie (1940:109) offers an insight into this situation:

If you want to know how to make people shun you and laugh at you behind your back and even despise you, here is the recipe: Never listen to anyone for long. Talk incessantly about yourself.  If you have an idea while the other fellow is talking, don’t wait for him to finish. He isn’t as smart as you.  Why waste your time listening to his idle chatter? Burst right in and interrupt him in the middle of a sentence.

This sarcastic “recipe” underscores the need for every individual who seeks social integration to be ‘quick to listen and slow to speak’. If you want people to consider you a good company, listen to them. Its ingratiating power is amazing. 

Friday, 27 July 2018

Listening for Personal Development

The International Listening Association, cited by Hybels and Weaver (2001:64), defines listening as “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or non-verbal messages”. Listening goes beyond being an important communication skill, it is a way of life. Most of our conscious and unconscious communication efforts are geared toward listening. A research reveals that listening takes 53% of our communication activities, reading 17%, while speaking and writing constitute 16% and 14% respectively (Hybels and Weaver, 2001:70).

However, this statistics notwithstanding, it is rather pathetic that most people have a poor listening habit. They listen without really listening. Lamenting on this anomaly, Benson (undated:155) says:

The art of listening is an essential but oft overlooked element of good communication. Genuine listening has become one of the endangered species. God gave each of us two ears and one mouth – perhaps he intended that we use them proportionally.

 The tendency common to most people is to egospeak, a term which communication experts coined to describe people’s desire to listen to themselves more than anyone else:

Egospeak is thinking of what you’re going to say next while another person is trying to talk to you.  Jumping in before, or on, the other person’s last word. Constantly trying to top the other person’s story (Benson, undated:155).

In similar vein, Beck et al (2002:12) distinguish between hearing (which is what most people really do) and listening. They note that:        

It is useful to make a distinction between hearing and listening.  Most people can hear, in that they can receive and distinguish sound within a specific frequency range. Hearing, however, is a passive activity. It is something that happens to us, rather than something that we do.  On the other hand, listening is active… ‘People hear but do not listen’. In a class or lecture it is very likely you will hear the words being spoken. You may not necessarily listen to them.

With this background on listening, let us now proceed to see how it can be utilized for personal development at different levels.

Listening for Mental and Emotional Development

A good listening habit is one of the indications of good breeding. Since the mental faculty, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the body can only retain and process the message or information inputted into it - as well as be enriched by it – it behoves every individual to cultivate a good listening habit by:
§  Paying attention and showing interest in the message being transmitted
§  Indicate to the speaker if he is understanding the message or not, and
§  Showing how he is reacting to the message by non-verbal cues (Beck et al, 2002).
The first way to use the listening skill to enhance your mental faculty and ensure a wholesome being is by being selective about what you listen to.  There is no better way to keep your mind healthy than to choose what you listen to. Knowledge is the food of the soul, just as the body thrives on viands and adornments.  However, it is not all the information that one is exposed to that he should listen to, for as the saying goes, ‘garbage in, garbage out’.  What you feed your brain is what you will express in speech or behaviour.

So, the first rule for using listening to achieve mental and emotional development is to choose what you listen to.  Platitudes and other forms of debased communication do nothing good to the soul.  They must therefore not be entertained, otherwise, the mind will process them, deposit them in the mental and emotion realm, and the man will live them eventually.

Capturing this phenomenon in another words, Allen (1902:4-5), in his timeless classic, says:

‘Men themselves are makers of themselves’ by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage…(The) mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance...
As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called “spontaneous” and “unpremeditated” as to those which are deliberately executed

Another way to enhance your mental and emotional capacity through listening is by attending seminars, lectures, workshops, conferences, and other intellect-simulating fora. By so doing, you will continually cultivate your mind, widen your horizon, and school your emotion, which is at best erratic.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

What is Personal Development?

We cannot attempt a definition of the term Personal Development without first taking a look at the key word “development”. So what is development? Adesanoye (1995:4) citing Mabogunje, describes development as ‘a many sided process. At the level of the individual, it implies increased skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self-discipline, responsibility and material well-being’.

Taking a cue from this, we can then define personal development as a conscious, disciplined and sustained series of investment in the self through the acquisition of knowledge and skills, as well as applying the acquired knowledge and skills for enhanced lifestyle. 

Areas of Personal Development

The development of the self is as composite an entity as the nature of man himself. It consists of various interdependent forms of human, which all work together to produce a better person when cultivated, or result in a debased existence when ignored. These different aspects of man that need cultivation for development are his:
§  Spiritual state
§  Mental state
§  Emotional state
§  Physical state
§  Social status, and his
§  Profession or vocation

Before we go ahead to consider how communication skills can be used to develop these different aspects of man, it will be appropriate to examine them briefly.


The Spiritual State of Man

Man is a tripartite being. He is mainly made up of a spirit, a soul, and a body. The spiritual side of man has to do with the state of his spirit in relation to God, his Maker. However, it is appropriate to state at this point that due to my subscription to the Christian faith, all my discourse on the spiritual state of man will be treated from the Christian perspective and the Christian scriptures, the Holy Bible.


The Mental State of Man

The Mental state of man is one of the two components of his soul. The soul, which is said to be the real man, comprises the mental faculty and the emotions. The mental faculty involves the mind (thoughts bank) as well as the intellectual state of man.


The Emotional State of Man

This is the second side of man’s soul. The emotion, according to Hargie (1997:38) has three main components; “the direct conscious experiences or feeling of emotion, the physiological processes that accompany emotions, and the observable behavioural actions used to express emotion”. In simple terms, emotion comprises the feelings and desires of man in their expressed and unexpressed form.

The Social State of Man

This is the aspect of man that describes his relationship with people. Hargie (1997:10), citing Combs and Slaby, defines social skill as ‘the ability to interact with others in a given social context in specific ways that are socially acceptable or valued and at the same time personally beneficial mutually beneficial or beneficial primarily to others’.


The Professional/Vocational Aspect of Man

This is usually an offshoot of all the other sides of man as they affect his job or career. The professional state of man has to do with his competence and performance at work. In other words, this can be described by his competence and performance in relation to his job or tasks.

Having thus established the foregoing, let us now go on to consider how the four communication skills can be used to enhance these aspects of man to attain a maximized life style.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

What is Communication?

Different scholars have proffered various definitions to describe communication. However, for the purpose of this study we will make do with Hybels’ and Weaver’s (2001:6) proposition that “Communication is any process in which people share information, ideas and feelings. It involves not only the spoken and written word but also body language, personal mannerisms, and style - anything that adds meaning to a message”.

Going ahead to stress the importance of communication in daily existence, they also say that:    
It is vital in all areas of life. You use it to persuade; to influence relationships, to inform and to share, to discover and uncover information... Communication, and how to communicate, is so important to daily life that it spawned [sic] an entire industry of books, articles, and seminar explaining how to do it better.
To live…is to communicate. To communicate effectively is to enjoy life more (2001:5-6).

Communication Skills
There are a number of skills involved in the art of communicating. Beck, Bennet and Wall (2002:125) highlight a general list of communication skills as:
§  Speaking, listening, empathizing
§  Reading and observing
§  Identifying and using sources of information
§  Planning and structuring a presentation
§  Oral presentation skills
§  Dealing with questions
§  Reviewing own performance
§  Using IT to communicate

However, in this discourse we shall focus only on the four major communication skills, which are also known as the four language arts. They are: 
§  Listening
§  Speaking
§  Reading, and
§  Writing

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Getting and Becoming By Babatunde Oladele

Man is innately selfish in varying degrees, depending on the extent of\; hence, the focus on what I am getting as opposed to what I am giving.

should The This is an anomaly, Rohn (2005a) notes that:

What you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, “What am I getting?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?“ Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.
…. Income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a Iucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle….
It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

With this background on the importance of personal development as an essential requisite to enhance one’s lot in life, let us proceed to examine the inherent potentials there are in communication skills to achieve personal development; and how we as communication scholars can utilize these skills to develop ourselves and ultimately build a life worth celebrating.  The objectives of this paper therefore are:
§  The draw our attention to the sacrosanct and utilitarian nature of communication.
§  To acquaint us with the different areas of personal development there are
§  To examine how we can use communication skills to explore the various forms of personal development training to enhance ourselves.

Meanwhile, it will be apposite at this point to define some key terms that we will come across in this paper to aid our understanding.

Monday, 23 July 2018

The Importance of Self Development By Babatunde Oladele

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. - James Allen.

The desire to become great and a celebrity is common to all human right from the time they become conscious of self. Dale Carnegie, in his best-selling classic, describes this as the “deepest urge in human nature.”

While the majority of humankind nurse this, usually unexpressed, craving to become larger than life and be revered by fellow men, only a few individuals really choose to advance beyond desiring to pay the price required to build a great life.

The price for greatness is a disciplined and sustained investment in oneself, otherwise called personal development. Jim Rohn, a renowned business philosopher and self-development guru, once quotes his former employer and mentor to have advised him thus: “if you want to be wealthy and happy... learn to work harder on yourself than on your job.” While this may sound absurd, it is good counsel. The general practice is that most people expend their time and energy the other way round; working more and often on the job - in order to earn so much - while devoting little or no attention to improving themselves.

As normal as this may look, it is a misnomer. While it is important to be dedicated to your work and put in a good shift above the average mark, it is equally essential not to neglect the regular cultivation of your mind. Every individual who has a sense of self should have a self-development programme he or she is observing to unleash his/her potential, sharpen latent skills and bring out the champion within.

Not all of us are destined for the stage. Therefore, drawing out the champion within you does not necessarily mean that you will become a maestro with millions of followers. Your own niche may be to a few dozens of people, it doesn’t make you lesser than someone with a global fan base. The important thing is to develop yourself such that you are both useful and relevant to your world.

A personal development programme is nothing complex or far-fetched. It can be as simple as following a schedule of conscious reading, listening, speaking, and/or writing, as well as putting to practice what you are learning in the process of those exercises. It is important you are aware about your objectives for embarking on these exercises so that you can be able to track the results. You should also have a schedule for what you do, rather than merely follow your whims by doing them when you feel like it.

To Your Success!

Friday, 20 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 10)

13. The God Factor
Star performers know the place of God. You remember the story of Herod in the Bible, he talked and people started hailing him as God; then, suddenly, he was snuffed out. You have to know your source; star performers know their sources. They know where they recharge their batteries and receive inspiration. Where do you unwind, where do you get inspiration from? What makes you gel? These can be answered by knowing yourself (discussed in the first tip) and knowing your source.

Life is full of ups and downs; so there are many instances when both productive and idle people will experience highsor lows. It is the way each individual responds to these varying situations in life that usually separates them. When productive people face issues that are beyond them, they know where to turn because they know they must deliver results. The loafers, on the other hand, will merely cave in and turn back saying it is difficult because they do not think that they have to deliver. So, even as the loafer also has a source, he/she doesn’t draw much from there because it doesn’t seem to matter.

Star performers know their source and they draw strength and inspiration from there to carry on because they are committed to optimising their performance.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 9)

12. Self-discipline
All the highlighted pointers that make a star performer are a matter of discipline.After you have taken note of all the points, if you are not disciplined enough to put them into practice, they will all filter away. Self-discipline is what gets you started and keeps you going even when you don’t feel like it. In fact, one constant principle from all the books I have read on success is self-discipline.

Star performers are self-disciplined people, they don’t take nonsense from themselves, and they don’t take it from people either. They are harder on themselves than they are on people. They are driven by results; they don’t like stories and excuses. There can be a million and one reasons why things cannot or should not be done. Star performers only look for one reason why it should be done and they go ahead to do it despite the odds.

The workplace is about results and not reasons why things should not or cannot be done. People desire to associate with success, but it is not easy to be successful; there is no overnight success, the person who becomes successful has been paying prices that others have not been paying. That is why you just see him soaring above others, it is not by magic. Yes, God’s favour is key; and God will indeed favour you, as He has promised to bless the work of your hands. But if your hand is not doing much, what will be available for God to bless? It’s what you are doing that God blesses, He will not bless what has not been done.

We have passed that stage when the earth was void and it was without form, we are now in the realm of tangibles. He says,‘I will bless the works of your hands’, but if your hand is not doing something and He blesses nothing; nothing will start to multiply into more nothing.

Achievements come by self-discipline.You know we don’t like to be disciplined and we don’t like to discipline ourselves, but we have to be hard on ourselves to make any impact. Internet is a major distraction these days; for us to be focused, we have to limit our use of the internet. For the purpose of clarification, the internet can be a great tool for success, but it depends on what you are doing there. You have to be self-disciplined in your usage and activities on the internet. Star performers are disciplined people.

You usually know disciplined people from the way they talk and conduct themselves. While everyone can give excuses, it is the person that produces results that is celebrated, not story tellers. How many excuse-makers do you know that are successful? Nobody claps for what you plan or intend to do. You only get applauded for what you have done, and it takes discipline to get difficult things done because you have to take tough decisions and be rigorous in your thinking. It is not even easy to think through a process, it takes discipline.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 8)

11. Review your work
Top performers have reviews ingrained in their system. If you have done something you should look at it again and ask yourself questions: Is this the best I can come up with or can I do better? They review their day; how has my day been, how have I fared? At home, how have I fared? Have I bonded with my family members? Have I bonded with my wife, husband, children? Review your work, your day, your professional life, your family life, your spiritual life so you can know if you are on track or off track.

The holy book counsels that you examine yourself to see if you are still in the faith. A popular saying goes that ‘an unexamined life is not worth living.’ A life that is not being assessed is not worth living. You have to be able to review your own performance before you are assessed by your superiors. You should also review your day, week, month, quarter and year. This helps you to know what you have accomplished so that you can report it and get the confidence boost to do more. It also helps you to know what is outstanding so you can pursue it. Star performers review their work, output, day, conduct and actions.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 7)

10. Manage people and your environment
You have to be able to manage people and your environment. For instance, maybe Mr A is busy working and then Mr B sees something on the internet and says,‘Hey, Mr A see this.’ In order to be polite, Mr A can check and then go back to what he is doing immediately. But if he is not someone who is committed to productivity, he can abandon what he is doing and start to ‘hoo-hah’ with Mr B such that both of them put their official tasks aside and become engaged in exchanging comments about a news or social media post.

You have to manage the people around you so you can be productive. People are their own enemies, if you leave what you are doing and then start to mind what you are not supposed to do, you cannot be productive. You have to manage people; you have to learn to say,‘No’ or promise to check it later, but not now because you need to do certain things at this time.

You have to be able to manage the people around you:your colleagues, your family members, your friends, associates, Facebook contacts, etc. If someone is chatting with me online and they do not say what they want to say between the first, two, three chats, I would not answer the person again. There must be a reason you want to engage me, I don’t have much time for online chats except there is something important to discuss.

You need to manage your environment too, there are some environments that aid productivity, and there are some that inhibit it. You have to position yourself in an environment that aids productivity, for example the way you organise your system, table and workspace. You will see some desktops littered with all manners of files, folders and applications; experts say you don’t get productive in a cluttered environment. So there is a way you arrange your system and workspace that aids productivity because performance is also environment-driven.

Monday, 16 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 6)

9. Focus
After you set your priorities and you are able to manage time, you have to be able to focus on what you are doing. You have to learn the art of focusing. As simple as it sounds, it is one of the most difficult things to do. It is not easy maintaining a laser focus on what you are doing and not be distracted.

There are psychological noises everywhere, even in your own thoughts there will be stuff demanding your attention. But you must have the ability to sieve through the myriad of things and focus on what needs to be done at any point in time. That is a major habit of star performers, they know how to focus; they know how to sieve through the muddled thoughts, they know what they want and they go after it, not minding what is going on within, around, below or above them. They just focus on what they have to do; they are not easily distracted or carried away.

You have to maintain focus, it is key to star performance. People usually get swept away by emotions and situations and then leave what they are doing or supposed to do to mind whatnot. Star performers do not fall prey to such trifles.

Friday, 13 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 5)

8. Manage your time
There is time and season for everything. But you have to ascertain the time and then manage yourself within it. Time management is one of the things God will not do for anyone. That is why the Bible urges us to redeem the time because the days are evil.

Time management is the chief of all skills, because if you can manage time, then you can manage money. If you can’t manage time, you can’t manage money, because time is money. If you can manage money, you can manage people. That is the way I see it, because people naturally flock after money and they would do whatever anyone who helps them to increase or make more money tells them to do.

If you manage time well, you can manage money effectively. A reason why people have poor financial situation is because they do not manage their time well. Time is intangible, we don’t see it; we only see what the hands of the clock are saying. But we can see money, smell and touch it. However, if you can manage the intangible time, then you can manage the tangibles effectively. You were given many assignments to carry out, but you can idle within time and not achieve all you were asked to do by just loafing; that is a horrible thing to do because time is meant to be turned over into results on a daily basis.

I used to have a Nokia phone that I set to beep every hour so I could reflect on what I had achieved within the hour that just passed. If I had used the hour well, I would smile. I was in paid employment then, and I was not even reporting to my principal about most of what I had done. But If I had not done something worthwhile within the hour, I would feel bad and tell myself, ‘You’ve got to make the next hour count.’ Time management is very important and star performers are strict time managers.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 4)

7. Set your priorities
What are your priorities? You have been told what you are supposed to do, you know how far you are supposed to go, you know what scope you are supposed to cover, and you know what will be used to assess your performance. Armed with the knowledge above, you also need to know which one to do first of all the things you are supposed to do; which one should come second, which one should come third, which one should be last. You have to set priorities; you have to know the order you are supposed to do things. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:5-6 (NIV) ‘there is a time and procedure for every matter but a man’s misery weigh heavily on him.’ There is always a procedure for everything we do, even such mundane things as sitting or walking have a procedure. There is a procedure for working, writing, listening, speaking, parenting, husbanding, wife-ing; everything has a procedure.

However, the Bible says only the wise in heart will know the proper time and procedure. There is a proper time and procedure for everything you have to do and that is why you have to set priorities; what do you do at point A, what do you do at B, what do you do at point C, until you get to point Z? You have to set priorities every day to know what you do first.

Life is a school; it teaches us a lot of things, only if we pay careful attention to the lessons. How many of us just put on our dress and head to work when we wake up in the morning? No, we probably have to first take care of ourselves: brush our teeth, shower, apply cosmetics, etc. The first thing is not to don the clothes and hit the road; there are certain preliminary things to be done before you get to the stage of wearing clothes. That is a lesson in procedure. Life teaches us a lot of lessons on a daily basis; we only need to be attentive to them.

There are things you have to do first so you can perform and be productive. If you put the least important thing first, you won’t get the most important things done. So you have to set priorities, you have to know the order of what you are meant to do. Now you know yourself, the metrics, the coverage, you also need to know how do to do them: which one is first, which is second, the third etc. Star performers set priorities.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 3)

5. Set goals and objectives
What are the goals you are expected to meet? Even if you are not given any by your employer or line manager, set goals for yourself. Having known what you are expected to do and how far you are to go in doing those things and you also know the things that will be used to measure your success or non-performance; you should now set goals for yourself: These are the things I’m going to accomplish, based on what I know. You should set yourself objectives you are driving towards. Star performers are goal-driven; they do what needs to be done, when it ought to be done, and how it is supposed to be done, not the way they feel or think, but how it ought to be done.

You have to set goals for yourself. For example, you know your target revenue in a year is N5million; that is a goal. You then need to plan how to accomplish the N5million mark. How much do you need to bring in on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis? That helps you to know whether you are on track or not. What are the things I’m not doing right that I need to stop? What are the things that I can intensify so I can get more results? You need to set goals for yourself; that is how you know somebody who is a star performer, they are goal-driven. They focus on the end result but do not lose sight of the process; they align with the process that will take them to that end result. You need to have objectives for what you are doing.

6. Count the cost
What will it take me to accomplish these goals? What will it take me to cover this scope?What will it take me to meet the expectations or requirements that were delivered to me? What are the things I need to do to achieve all these? Asking such questions is the hallmark of a wise person. Jesus Christ says only a wise man would count the cost before undertaking to build a structure: how many blocks do I need to do this? What are the costs I need to count?

Every form of greatness requires something from the great; and there is always a price to pay for any measure of success. There is no overnight success; if you see an overnight success, the person has not been sleeping. You usually need to give up something in order to gain something; that is the way life operates. You have to give up a lesser thing to gain a greater thing. You have to know the price to pay to become a star performer in any area of life. We always use Daddy G.O. (Pastor E.A. Adeboye of Redeemed Christian Church of God) as a reference point, being the most prominent clergy in Nigeria in terms of popularity and following. However, do you know the price he is paying for that kind of eminence? How many days he goes fasting and praying, how many hours he spends on his knees? It took something for him to get to that point. If he did not pay those prices, he probably would not be where he is.

Yes, the grace of God is there for him; but Apostle Paul makes a very powerful statement that inasmuch as there were many apostles in his time, and he being the least of them, but he endeavoured to do more than all his contemporaries. He then enumerates those things he did that put him in a good stead. Why wouldn’t he be attributed to have written one-third of the Bible since he paid the price? What are the costs that should be counted for you to achieve the goals and objectives you have set for yourself and become a star performer? The price is not always easy, but it is those who count the costs and pay the price that are celebrated.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

13 Tips on How to be a Star Performer (Part 2)

2. Confirm Expectations and Requirements
All of us are fulfilling several roles across different strata of life. One person may have multiple roles with functions that he or she has to fulfil based on his or her roles. A woman in her mid-30s can be wife to her husband, mother to her children, daughter to her parents, sister to her siblings, staff in an organisation, unit head or team member in that same organisation, member of a church or some voluntary organisations, and member of one or more units in that same institution.

All these are roles performed by one person, and each comes with its own distinct demands. If you therefore desire to turn in a five-star performance in each of these roles, then you must know the specific tasks required of you for each of them, because each role has different responsibilities attached to it that may not be applicable in the others. You should know what you are supposed to do on a regular, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to fulfil your role. Taking steps to know what is expected or required of you helps you to have a complete picture of what you ought to do.

3. Ascertain the scope and coverage of your responsibilities
How long do you need to do what you are doing? How far do you need to go? How wide do you need to cover, in terms of the range of your responsibilities? You need to ascertain the scope and coverage of what you are supposed to do if you want to be a star performer. This is important so that you do not dissipate your energy in the wrong direction or do much where you are supposed to do little. You can even use quantity to measure your turnout where applicable: how many of this do I need to produce?

Using the home as an example, a man can ask, how much do I need to bring for the house upkeep? In a work setting, you can ask, how many of these am I supposed to do? How far do I need to go? What do I need to do at this stage that I am? How many miles do I cover? What do I need to do to get to the next stage? You need to know the scope and coverage you are meant to cover. In an office setting, the best person to talk to about these is the management or your line manager. What are the things I’m expected to do? For how long am I expected to do this? How many of these am I expected to turn in on a daily basis? These are questions that star performers ask before they hit the road running.

4. Identify your productivity and result metrics
What constitutes productivity for you? The Bible says, ‘all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial.’ You are permitted to do as many things as you want, but it is not all things that will constitute productivity for you.

You must know how your result is going to be determined. Is it by meeting your annual target? Is it getting your husband’s meal ready by 7pm? Is it by making sure your girlfriend gets N10,000 every month or by your parents receiving credit alert at the end of every month? What are the measurements you are going to be measured by? Knowing this will help you align yourself to do what you are supposed to do.

God put us here to flourish, when we get back to heaven we will be judged based on our fruitfulness and how we have been able to turn over the resources and talents He has bequeathed to us. Forget about activity or doing the rounds, it is possible to sit by the computer from 8am till 5pm and get nothing done. It is not that you are not doing something, but are those things productive? Once you know the metrics you are going to be judged by, it helps you align yourself to where you should be and what you should be doing.