Tuesday 25 September 2018


Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control…an indication of ripened experience, and…a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought. 26

A man becomes calm in the measure that he understands himself as a thought-evolved being (product of his thought). 26

The calm man, having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others. 26
The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. 26
The strong, calm man is always loved and revered. He is like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm. 26

That exquisite poise of character that we call serenity is the last lesson of culture. It is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul. 26

How insignificant money-seeking looks in comparison with a serene life… It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of self-control. 26-27
[Humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt.] Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him. 27

Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the core of your soul reclines the commanding Master; He does but sleep; wake Him. 27
Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, “Peace. Be still!” 27

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