Thursday, 15 December 2022

When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

If you are always feeling overwhelmed, your energy level may be low. You also might have saddled yourself with too much tasks than safety level.

Monday, 21 November 2022

The Difference between Success and Failure

It’s not goal setting in itself that makes the difference between success and failure.
True, there is some form of rigour involved in identifying what goals to set based on self-knowledge and future aspirations. But, the real decider is the DISCIPLINE to transmit those goals into action bits and the MENTAL FOCUS to stick to it in the face of several legitimate distractions and all forms of pressures to chill.
There lies the difference between the successful and those that merely came.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Native vs Emotional Intelligence

Native Intelligence (brilliance) can make you shine and earn you applause for brilliant displays. But Emotional Intelligence (a blend of disciplined and intuitive knowing) will make you excel in a solid, non-dramatic manner. Native Intelligence flashes and craves for audience: emotional intelligence glows and gives its best, seen or unseen. And where native intelligence falters, emotional intelligence stands.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Dig Deeper

Dig deeper; no one finds treasure on the surface. It takes several hours of concentrated drilling to hit precious stones and valuable resources, the same way you need to pour yourself deep into the mine of your choice to strike gold.

Friday, 11 November 2022

Office Gossip is a Terrible Thing

Office gossips made a terrible choice of calling in their respective organizations. They do not just draw themselves back; they also change the course of progression of their ardent listeners.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Beware of People with Little Regard for Your Employ

Whoever knows you work and draw your pay somewhere, with all the obligations attached to being part of an organisational workforce, and still approaches you to do professional services for them has little regard for your employ and will make greater demands in the future that will tell.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

The Best Tutors of Moneymaking

Moneymaking cannot be taught in school because most of the tutors will either be unqualified to teach it or may be teaching what they do not live. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. No other phenomenon captures that truism better than wealth accumulation. The qualified tutors are about 2% of 7+billion people. If you remove those that stole the money they have from that percentage, the number of the eligible is further reduced. And one thing that is common to this elite clique is how they manage time. They prioritise more important things such that they have little time for other things, least of which is teaching arduous principles of wealth to a bunch of pupils who are looking for quick fixes.

Monday, 31 October 2022

Excellence Is a Product of Self-Awareness

Excellence is a product of self-awareness; it doesn't just happen. And it takes a studied coordination of the brain, the mind and the limbs in tandem to achieve self-awareness. Not an easy thing to do, and that is why excellence is not common.

-- Babatunde Oladele

Saturday, 29 October 2022

How to Make Your Dream Work

It takes more than talent, skill and passion to make a dream come true. If those were enough, everyone possessing them would have been high flyers. But talented failures, frustrated experts and passionate poor abound all over the place. You must work to make your dream work.


Friday, 28 October 2022

Why Dreams Fail

One of the reasons dreams, businesses and projects fail is because the initiators plan so big, expect so much and get very little response. Many never recover from the resulting disappointment.


Thursday, 27 October 2022

Vision and Possibilities

Vision is an indicator of the possibilities that are attainable. It is the difference between those that approach everyday life with energy and gusto as against those who go at it with trepidation and uncertainty. Vision separates the high-fliers from the also-rans.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Are You Operating Plan B or A?

To begin a new chapter, you must end an old chapter ... 9 times out of 10, failure is resorting to Plan B when Plan A gets too risky, too costly, or too difficult. That’s why most people are living their Plan B. They haven’t burned their bridges to the past.

- Word for Today

Friday, 21 October 2022

Easy to Idealise

It is easy to idealise about things that should be done or put in place when we are not the ones paying the bills. But when put in direct charge of coming up with the resources to procure those things, ideas stop flowing.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Go for Wealth, Not Money

Go for wealth, not just making money. You can be making money and not be wealthy, but you cannot be wealthy and not have money.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Finding Fulfilment

Fulfilment is found only in fitting into the slot where you belong. Although it may not be financially rewarding at the initial stage, the financial gains would certainly come the more you grow and develop in that niche.

You only need to be patient. You need to look at the big picture. Most people, especially the youth, consider the immediate picture and jump ships so frequently. Thus, they subject themselves to a life of frustration and unsettlement. You can only find peace and fulfilment by filling your own hole (in your career, business, marriage, ministry and so on) or answering your own calling.

Saturday, 15 October 2022

God's Resources Are in the Possession of His Children

When God needs to do anything, the resources to complete it are usually in the possession of His children. It's just for them to release it in faith and trust His replenishing abilities. And He doesn’t owe anyone.

Thursday, 13 October 2022

To Stand Out, Focus on the Big Picture

To stand out at work, do not get stuck in the rut of merely doing things or the usual rounds. Focus on the big picture and work with that consciousness in mind.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

How to Avoid Giving Terrible Advice

When you advise someone with your own gain in mind, you will most likely give them terrible advice. The best advisers are those who offer counsel beneficial mainly, if not only, to their advisee.

-- Babatunde Oladele

Saturday, 8 October 2022

The Significant Others

Most human failures are catalysed by the failings of the significant others. If you observe that someone is drifting away from the ideal, then it is time to intensify your compassion rather than resort to criticism. People struggling need friendship, not alienation; they need engagement, not isolation.

-Babatunde Oladele

Friday, 7 October 2022

What Is Your Forté

If your forte is in analysing the failures of others rather than pre-empting them, your intelligence is not premium and there is no difference between you and the gossip next door. Even the Good Book says, only those who save a soul from destruction are wise.

- Babatunde Oladele

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Strength and Potential

Strength science starts with the individual, which is the only way to fully maximize the potential of any team on any mission with high purpose and high goals...

When you make the most of your strengths, there are no limits to what you can do and how you can lead.

                                              - Jim Clifton

Saturday, 1 October 2022

What Successful People Do

Successful people do what others know they should do but will not do. To become a success, or just be more successful, you will do what average, less-motivated people will not.

~ Chalene Johnson

Friday, 23 September 2022

What Successful People Do

Successful people do what others know they should do but will not do. To become a success, or just be more successful, you will do what average, less-motivated people will not.

~ Chalene Johnson

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Vision & Decision-Making

Vision simplifies decision-making. Anything that moves you closer to your vision gets a green light; everything else should be approached with caution.

- Word for Today

Friday, 16 September 2022

Test of Character

The acid test of character is determined by what it takes to discourage you and make you quit.

– Word for Today

Thursday, 15 September 2022

The Paradox of Money

The paradox of Money:
Many dream about it.
Some long for it.
Some worry about it
Some scheme for it.
Some slave for it.
Some kill for it.
Some make noise about it.
Ironically too, some who don’t have it promise it to others.
Out of all these,
Not many make enough of it,
Most are controlled by it,
But few command it.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Being Knowledgeable

The more knowledgeable we become about ourselves – the more settled we are about the things that are really important or what we want in life – the more rebellious we appear in a society that wants us to conform and play along to belong.

- Babatunde Oladele


Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Successful People

Successful people are often just people who were a little hungrier and thirstier for success than the rest of us. What we desired, they pursued.

– Word for Today

Friday, 9 September 2022

Starting and Going

Starting and Going

What got you started may not get you going.

What got you here may not get you there.

What got you attention may not get you a promotion.

What got you into the game may not get you to win it.

What got you chosen may not get you rising.

What got you an appointment may not get you placements.

What fetched you entitlement may not give you fulfilment.

What got you married may not keep you married.

What got you favoured may not keep you nurtured.


Thursday, 8 September 2022

What Will You Do?

The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had the means, time, influence, and educational advantages, but what he will do with the things he has.

- Word for Today

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Do You Judge?

Don’t try to lift yourself up by putting someone else down. Don’t assume that you have the right to judge their character, heart motives, or spirituality. When you do that, the Bible says you are ‘not wise’.

- Word for Today

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Monday, 5 September 2022

Offering Minimum on the Job

People who offer minimum at their job...never showing any initiative, are missing the opportunity to create value and reap the benefits...People who bring value to their jobs regardless of their pay let the Universe know that they're ready to receive more wealth.

- Peggy McColl

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Ideas Are Like People...

Ideas are like people, they don’t like to be isolated or treated jealously. They like to mingle, interact with other ideas.

- Rufus Griscom

Monday, 29 August 2022

The Quality of Life

The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavour.

- Vince Lombardi

Friday, 29 July 2022

Be More Relaxed in Your Thoughts

After all is said and done, how do you know for sure that you are not on another wild goose chase, that what you now think is the right thinking process is nothing but the next available option or a need to venture into another compulsive thought flight?

How do you know that you were right when you labelled a premise "the wrong premise"? How are you sure it is not a case of misdirection and you are looking at the wrong cause?

The answer to these is that you need to be more relaxed in hitching a thought ride. Premise leads to greatness and success if well chosen. It also leads to disaster and destruction, if chosen wrongly. How you know you have the right premise is by what you see ahead and, more importantly, how you feel down inside about what you see.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Slow Down and Think Backwards

If you find that you have hitched a wrong plane in your thought cruise or have nurtured thoughts that, although they seemed cool and sharp at the time, did not lead you to the right destination, then you need to slow down and think backwards to identify where you have missed it or what wrong premise you had latched onto.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

When You Have Many Things To Do

When you have a dozen different things to do, pick the most important one and stick with it until it’s complete. Then pick the second most important and do the same thing, until you’ve completed the list.

- Word for Today

Friday, 22 July 2022

When A Rookie Attains Fortune

To a rookie in fortune, remonstrations by concerned friends to curtail his/her excesses can be interpreted as envy or jealousy until the reality sets in, usually after the chickens have come home to roost.

- Babatunde Oladele

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Life is Tougher Without Thinking

 Generally, life can be tough. But it is tougher on those who do not apply much thinking to their ways and doings, and toughest on people who live or work with them because they are usually the first at the receiving end of the consequences of thoughtlessness.

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Sympathy and Support

We all need sympathy and support because we all stumble and need help getting back up. So we need to offer them to others and be willing to receive them in return.

- Word for Today

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

The Essence of Good Leadership

The essence of good leadership is not about trying to do everything yourself, but getting it done through others. Instead of trying to do the work of ten people, get ten people to do the work.

- Word for Today

Friday, 15 July 2022

Of Self Concept

Many people live their lives believing they’re intellectually inferior — born that way, and will always be that way. The problem with believing this is that you begin to live accordingly. Not because it’s true — but because you believe it’s true! God created us so that whatever we really believe, we act on. So our self concept becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

- Word for Today

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Smart Parenting

A smart parent helps the children to prioritise what they ought to do over what they want to do.

- Babatunde Oladele

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

The Bias of Commerce

The world of commerce generally has little patience for excuses and “reasons.” It usually favours the fastest, the most efficient and the most utilitarian.

- Babatunde Oladele

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

What Do You Want?

Inasmuch as it is good to know how to get what you want, it is more important to be able to keep it, because keeping it is superior to getting it.

- Babatunde Oladele

Saturday, 9 July 2022

How to Avoid Giving Terrible Advice

When you advise someone with your own gain in mind, you will most likely give them terrible advice. The best advisers are those who offer counsel beneficial mainly, if not only, to their advisee.

-- Babatunde Oladele

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Doing the Possible in the Impossible

If a man does the possible, then God will do the impossible. But no man should bemoan his fate about what could have been when he has not expended effort to do the possible things about his situation or desire.

- Babatunde Oladele

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Making A Difference

children making a difference by giving soldier apple

Making a difference is not until you are able to touch people in their thousands or millions. By going out of your way to attend to a solitary person, you may just make an impression that will have a multiplier effect on a million people or last a thousand years.

- Babatunde Oladele

Monday, 23 May 2022

Whose Approval Do You Need?

whose approval do you need

Whatever you will have to answer to God for, you do not need the approval of man to do it. Do you?

Friday, 13 May 2022

Success Is Not Determined by Opulence

road to success in yellow autumn woods

Success is not determined by opulence


Success is not determined by acquisitions or opulence. It is the ultimate fulfilment of an identified purpose – grand or small – for the benefit of others, the glory of God, and the fulfilment of the person.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Success is Hinged on a Number of Factors

multiple identical doors to success

Success is hinged on a number of factors


Success in life is hinged on a number of factors, one of them is recognising and making the most of opportunities.

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Thinking Can Either Make or Cost You a Fortune

silhouette of man walking on a hill and thinking

Thinking can either make or cost you a fortune


The ability to think through a process and come up with a clear picture of what needs to be done, and in what order, can either make you a fortune, if mastered, or be costing you a fortune if unknown.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Why You Shouldn’t Try to Be Successful

little boy who wants to be successful

Why you shouldn’t try to be successful


I grew up brainwashed with the axiom that one must be successful in life. So, I naturally sought success in everyday encounters, books and motivational sessions. But, the more I learned the regimen of success – they call them tips – the more confused I became. Some of them go: you must wake up at so-so time and sleep by another time, you must dress this way, you must walk this way, you must talk this way, you must weigh this size, you must say some things to yourself in the mirror every day, you must keep some kind of persons as friends, you must show up, you could drop out of school, you must marry this kind of person… The list is endless, with each success expert postulating his/her own theory. I wagered that if I apply one-tenth of these theories, I would lose my sense of self in the process. So, I made a simple resolution: I don’t want to be successful again; I only want to be me. And if success is fortunate to come my way in the course of my being me, then congrats to success. It is more important to be me than to be successful.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Respect These Kinds of People

silhouette of people standing side by side in evening time

Respect these kinds of people


Respect the man (or woman) whose parents left nothing but went ahead to build an entity and make a name for him/herself. It is not easy to build something out of nothing. Honour the (wo)man whose parents bequeathed with much and who went on to multiply and make it bigger. Such breeds are very rare, as most children of affluence rarely excel their parents.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Burning Your Bridges

burning your bridges

Burning your bridges


What you do immediately after burning your bridges (making it impossible for you to turn back) will determine if you are set up for success or failure.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Success is not a Destination

fireworks in the night sky signalling success

Success is not a destination


Success is not a destination, but a state of being which was not before. The best word to describe success is attainment.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Insight is Slow but Incisive

turtle crawling on fallen tree trunk as a sign of insight as slow but incisive

Insight is slow but incisive


Wisdom is not always the most vocal or the most eloquent; neither is the solution always the most popular or the most promising option. But insight, by virtue of the labour it places on itself before expression, is usually slow but incisive.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Not Everyone Who Sees Discerns the Truth

windy road on bridge leading through a mountainside symbolising the difficulty of discerning the truth

Not everyone who sees discerns the truth


Not everyone who has a head uses it to think beyond the banalities of life; not everyone who speaks knows the rudiments of what they are harping about; and not everyone who sees discerns the truth from the facts.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Life is Tougher Without Thinking

path in thick dark forest which can be found if people apply thinking in life

Life is tougher without thinking


Generally, life can be tough. But it is tougher on those who do not apply much thinking to their ways and doings, and toughest on people who live or work with them because they are usually the first at the receiving end of the consequences of thoughtlessness.

Slow Down and Think Backwards

Slow down and think backwards


If you find that you have hitched a wrong plane in your thought cruise or have nurtured thoughts that, although they seemed cool and sharp at the time, did not lead you to the right destination, then you need to slow down and think backwards to identify where you have missed it or what wrong premise you had latched onto.

Monday, 11 April 2022

The Problem Often Lies in the Premise of Thought

stone statue of man in deep thought with staff in hand woods daytime

The problem often lies in the premise of thought


The premise of thought or its subsequent action is usually where the problem is. Premise is what makes some people conclude that suicide is the best option for them. It is also what makes some quit trying altogether, close shop, retreat or take some steps that are later proved to be brash, surface or ill-formed.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Be Uptight About Time Management

hourglass lying on book for keeping people uptight about time management

Be uptight about time management


Until you become uptight about time management – the what and how your minutes and hours are deployed – you will not be named in the pantheon of the Productive, who are usually renowned for their outputs than mouth-puts.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

How to Become a Better Professional


laptop tablet camera pen notes and glasses lying on table owned by a good professional

Professionalism is a desirable attribute that almost everybody would love to be labelled with. And for good reason – being professional has its perks.

In fact, it is almost crucial to your success as a businessperson.

If you work on yourself and exhibit professionalism, marketing becomes easy. People will look for you, not you looking for them. It’s as simple as that.

My organisation, TRW Consult, has done quite a lot of work in the past, and honestly, 95 per cent of our clients have come through referrals. Not by marketing, calls, et cetera, but by people who recognise that these people are professionals in their field.

That is why we prize professionalism dearly. It brings many favourable opportunities our way.

When people see you as a professional, they’ll come right to your doorstep.

Take the story of King Solomon for instance – a great, renowned man of wisdom who was visited by multiple dignitaries eager to learn from him, including fellow monarchs. Not less the Queen of Sheba. What is wisdom but the application of knowledge – knowledge of life views? If you have the wisdom to solve problems in life, then people will look for you.

But you have to work on yourself.

So in this article, we’ll look at exactly what you need to do to become a better professional.


Definitions of Professionalism

What exactly is professionalism?

Oxford Reference defines it as

“the combination of qualities and conduct regarded as essential to professional practice. These include knowledge, skills, relevant competence, behavioural qualities, and values of honesty, integrity, ethical probity, and capability of working well with patients or clients, colleagues, and representatives of the public.”

The Oxford Learners’ Dictionary on its own part calls it

“the high standard that you expect from a person who is well trained in a particular job”

To the Cambridge Dictionary, it is

“the combination of all the qualities that are connected with trained and skilled people”

Your professionalism brings you prestige. It is a way to place yourself on a pedestal that makes you visible. Getting up there, however, actually requires conscious effort on your own part.


How to Be a Better Professional

I have grouped what you need to do into two, which I’ll call intrinsic and extrinsic factors (or to-dos).


Intrinsic Factors

Personal bearing

Your personal bearing includes your thoughtfulness. How much thought do you apply into what you do?

If you think things through, you make life easier both for yourself and others. If you don’t, you make life tougher. Thinking things through allows you to organise yourself better.

So, to start the journey towards becoming a better professional you must first ask yourself: How much thought do I put into my work and to myself?

You’re called a writer, an editor, a social media specialist, an accountant, et cetera. But how much thought do you apply to that calling? How often do you sit and plan yourself adequately? When you rush into things recklessly and without calculation, you leave a lot half-done – or end up wasting so much time without actually gaining meaningful ground.

Thoughtfulness also helps you prioritise your activities. You are able to plan yourself and have a schedule - perhaps on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, or even for the year.

When you do so, you are able to achieve more.

Once you can prioritise and adhere strictly to it, that’s time management. Time management and optimisation is a useful tool for any professional.

Personal carriage

How do you dress? When people see you, will they think you are dressed like a professional?

There’s a way accountants look, for instance. You are often able to see them and say, “This is an accountant.”

Your personal carriage matters because people tend to profile you with a single glance, particularly when they are meeting you for the first time. And that profiling often influences the rest of their relationship with you.

Besides your dressing, how do you comport yourself?

What can people observe from the way you speak - both in public and privately?

These are things that define you, that allow people to categorise you.

Additionally, you must be self-aware if you are to be termed a professional. You need to ask yourself key questions about your own behaviour. If you are a writer, do you speak or act like a writer? What are the things you do or don’t do that writers should or shouldn’t be doing? If you are an accountant, do you talk and think like an accountant?

Personal grooming also comes in. Do you have body odour, for instance? Are you aware of whether you have body odour or not? Some, due to the nature of their work, end up wearing the same set of clothes for days. It would be awful if you were meeting a client, and then the first thing they’d perceive is the unpleasant smell oozing from your clothes.

Personal conduct at work

What is your conduct like at your workplace? How do you relate with your clients or colleagues? When people see you, does it tally with what you claim to be?

You need to be able to answer these questions positively. And if you cannot, then you know what to start working on.

Moreover, what kinds of things do you post on social media? Does your posting emphasise your professionalism or water it down?

Your personal conduct at work also relates to how you approach tasks. To be a better professional, you must be resourceful.

When faced with a task, you need to examine and study all possible options rather than just pick one and not give a thought to the others. That certainly doesn’t help you grow – as an individual or as a professional.

When you consider other options you are able to gain knowledge from various aspects, and when you speak, people consider you experienced and capable at what you do.

You equally need to structure yourself, so that you will not work based on feelings. As humans, we are feeling beings, and at some point some people take a look at a piece of work, put it down and say “No, I don’t feel like doing this.”

You need to be able to perform that task despite your feelings to the contrary, by virtue of it having been fitted into your timetable. You need to structure it into your own psyche that tasks of that nature need to be accomplished, and that there is no point in pushing them away simply because you do not feel like doing them.

You will not always feel like working, but understanding that work is meant to be done and structuring yourself accordingly will make you come across as a professional.

If you are a feeling worker, you are not a professional. But if you are structured in the way you work, then that is tilting towards professionalism.

So, ask yourself: Do you stop working at times simply because you don’t feel like it? Or do you approach work in a structured manner?

If you have superiors at your workplace, what do they think about how you work? Are you a superior’s delight or a superior’s nightmare?

Are you the type who often sees work and prays it doesn’t come to your table? Or are you the type who understands that work is necessary and so rises up to the challenge?

Extrinsic Factors

The extrinsic factors include the values that stem from the people around you or from your workplace environment.

What is the ethos of your workplace? Every workplace, office or organisation has its own values, philosophies and ideals. How much do you know of these values of your existing organisation? And what are your own values as a person in business?

How much do you comply with them and what is the level of your compliance?

As a professional in your field, you need to be identifiable as a person of proper conduct as well as capacity.

The Journey is Yours to Make

These are steps you have to take by yourself. You are not forced to become nor are you made a professional. It is a process you have to undergo by yourself with your eagerness to thrive as your only motivator.

You go through the process by structuring yourself accordingly. No one will take you by the hand and walk you there.

Plus, it is a ladder and you have to take it rung by rung. Like a school exam, you have to do well in a particular stage before you are certified to advance to the next.

And of course the higher you go the greater the challenges.

You are your own manager. 

Monday, 4 April 2022

Failure, Success and the Game of Life


laptop screened turned into bulletin board with many post-it notes of different colours on it outside on table daytime describing how people meet failure by focusing on issues of low importance

Failure, Success and the Game of Life


Most failures and average turnouts did not stem from not trying or exerting oneself. Most people actually tried their best to succeed; it is just that many majored on minor things and placed more emphasis on issues of less importance in the overall game of life. 

Friday, 1 April 2022

The Best Tutors of Moneymaking

pile of 20 euro cent coins encouraging moneymaking

The best tutors of moneymaking


Moneymaking cannot be taught in school because most of the tutors will either be unqualified to teach it or may be teaching what they do not live. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. No other phenomenon captures that truism better than wealth accumulation. The qualified tutors are about 2% of 7+billion people. If you remove those that stole the money they have from that percentage, the number of the eligible is further reduced. And one thing that is common to this elite clique is how they manage time. They prioritise more important things such that they have little time for other things, least of which is teaching arduous principles of wealth to a bunch of pupils who are looking for quick fixes.

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Forge Ahead If Others Are Dragging Their Feet

road to forge ahead with forests by the side showing speed perspective

Forge ahead if others are dragging their feet


I am of the school of thought to forge ahead if others are dragging their feet on anything, particularly if you are the one that will be answerable for results at the end of the day.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Your Professional Development

woman professional sitting at table and working on laptop computer with book and coffee beside her

Your professional development


A measure of your professional development is measuring how many submissions you are asked to rework by your superiors in a given week/month against the total number of your accepted deliveries. Paying close attention to this very important metric will help you to see how far you have developed as a professional or need to develop.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Passing the Buck

man in black suit and red tie passing the buck

Passing the buck


Inasmuch as it is fitting not to pass the buck, there are legitimate occasions when the buck must be passed for corporate good and whoever it is passed to must accept it in good faith in the spirit of collective responsibility and move on.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Gauge Its Impact Before You Explore It

water with a splash and ripples from the impact of pebble

Gauge its impact before you explore it


Once you know the importance your team or organisation places on an ideal, anything that will make you compromise that standard should be gauged on its impact value to help you ascertain if you should explore it.

Friday, 25 March 2022

To Stand Out, Focus on the Big Picture

red apple beside green pears as an example of what it means to stand out

To stand out, focus on the big picture 

To stand out at work, do not get stuck in the rut of merely doing things or the usual rounds. Focus on the big picture and work with that consciousness in mind.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Define Your Work Activities per Time

lady who has failed to define work activities holding phone and mug with beverage in front of laptop during work

Define your work activities per time


A considerable portion of the things we do during work hours are not work. Otherwise, how do we account for the time spent gisting, Facebooking, WhatsApping, tweeting, Instagramming, plus unofficial surfing and emailing during office hours? If only we can define our activities per time, then we will be able to determine what time we spend on quality work and what time goes into other non-work activities. The Psalmist rightly says, “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Every System Failure is Traceable to Man

man bearing hay across pond in green forest working hard to prevent system failure

Every system failure is traceable to man


Every system failure is traceable to man: some to the oversight of those who designed it, most to the carelessness of those who execute it, some to the incompetence of those who maintain it.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Let the System Be Independent of You

man points at skyscraper under construction by a system independent of him

Let the system be independent of you


Your indisposition or unavailability should not truncate the flow of the system. Otherwise, whatever you are doing is not a system, but a showmanship. Even at that, the Thespians (the masters of shows) have a saying that no matter what happens, "The Show Must Go On!"

Monday, 21 March 2022

Your Payment and Expectations of You

man working to meet up with expecations and get his payment

Your payment and expectations of you


It is rent-seeking mentality to expect your payment to remain intact even after you fouled the rules of business engagement or fell short of organisational expectations.

Friday, 18 March 2022

Everything About Your Work Has Financial Value

skyscrapers were people work and provide financial value stretching out to the blue sky with clouds

Everything about your work has financial value


Everything we do in the office, about work or around the office has financial value, either profit or loss. How we feel about this or react to it does not change that fact, we only need to align ourselves as required per time.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

The Naïve vs the Smart Worker

woman working on laptop computer in front of her to show that she is a smart and not a naïve worker

The naïve vs the smart worker


The naïve worker believes that a long-drawn dutiful and energetic activity done over a stretch of time is the key to success in the workplace. The smart worker knows that a perfect blend of intelligence and focused efforts deployed toward the same end within an increasingly decreasing timeline is the key to accelerated climbing of the corporate ladder.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

The Absurdity That Follows a Job Search

hand with ipad filling out a job application form

The absurdity that follows a job search


One of the absurdities I have observed in this part of the world is that people are more diligent and painstaking in looking for a job than in working when they finally land a job.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

What Does Feedback Mean to You?

feedback written in chalk on a blackboard

What Does Feedback Mean to You?


Feedback is meant to better our deliverables and improve our processes, and not all of it will be communicated in an agreeable manner. Our duty is to take it in good faith and treat it on its merit without creating bad blood in the process.

Monday, 14 March 2022

An Assignment is a Bestowal of Trust

man writing notes on table beside laptop to complete assignment and avoid betrayal of trust

Assignment or delegation is a bestowal of trust, it is better declined than broken.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

The Welfare of Your Computer

Apple desktop on a white setting owned by a person who cares about the welfare of his computer

The welfare of your computer


A computer has no welfare regimen on its own except as wrought by its operator, and the ailments of these tools are as a result of how we manage them. So, blame not your system, but your handling of it, for whatever lapses it is outputting. The computer is not responsible for its own welfare.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Only Attitude and Work Rate Will Get You Favoured

silhouette of man with the right attitude and work rate standing on rock near body of water during daytime

Only attitude and work rate will get you favoured


You won’t gain any mileage from an intelligent person by scheming and pushing. Only the right attitude and sincere work rate will get you favoured, not one done with eye service because that is also scheming.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Your Parent Organisation and You

man holding yellow emoji with disappointed face showing unhappiness towards the relationship between your parent organisation and you

Your parent organisation and you


If your brand is stronger, your voice is louder and you are more visible than your parent organisation, you are not wise. They will soon gain from losing you.