Thursday, 31 March 2022

Forge Ahead If Others Are Dragging Their Feet

road to forge ahead with forests by the side showing speed perspective

Forge ahead if others are dragging their feet


I am of the school of thought to forge ahead if others are dragging their feet on anything, particularly if you are the one that will be answerable for results at the end of the day.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Your Professional Development

woman professional sitting at table and working on laptop computer with book and coffee beside her

Your professional development


A measure of your professional development is measuring how many submissions you are asked to rework by your superiors in a given week/month against the total number of your accepted deliveries. Paying close attention to this very important metric will help you to see how far you have developed as a professional or need to develop.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Passing the Buck

man in black suit and red tie passing the buck

Passing the buck


Inasmuch as it is fitting not to pass the buck, there are legitimate occasions when the buck must be passed for corporate good and whoever it is passed to must accept it in good faith in the spirit of collective responsibility and move on.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Gauge Its Impact Before You Explore It

water with a splash and ripples from the impact of pebble

Gauge its impact before you explore it


Once you know the importance your team or organisation places on an ideal, anything that will make you compromise that standard should be gauged on its impact value to help you ascertain if you should explore it.

Friday, 25 March 2022

To Stand Out, Focus on the Big Picture

red apple beside green pears as an example of what it means to stand out

To stand out, focus on the big picture 

To stand out at work, do not get stuck in the rut of merely doing things or the usual rounds. Focus on the big picture and work with that consciousness in mind.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Define Your Work Activities per Time

lady who has failed to define work activities holding phone and mug with beverage in front of laptop during work

Define your work activities per time


A considerable portion of the things we do during work hours are not work. Otherwise, how do we account for the time spent gisting, Facebooking, WhatsApping, tweeting, Instagramming, plus unofficial surfing and emailing during office hours? If only we can define our activities per time, then we will be able to determine what time we spend on quality work and what time goes into other non-work activities. The Psalmist rightly says, “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Every System Failure is Traceable to Man

man bearing hay across pond in green forest working hard to prevent system failure

Every system failure is traceable to man


Every system failure is traceable to man: some to the oversight of those who designed it, most to the carelessness of those who execute it, some to the incompetence of those who maintain it.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Let the System Be Independent of You

man points at skyscraper under construction by a system independent of him

Let the system be independent of you


Your indisposition or unavailability should not truncate the flow of the system. Otherwise, whatever you are doing is not a system, but a showmanship. Even at that, the Thespians (the masters of shows) have a saying that no matter what happens, "The Show Must Go On!"

Monday, 21 March 2022

Your Payment and Expectations of You

man working to meet up with expecations and get his payment

Your payment and expectations of you


It is rent-seeking mentality to expect your payment to remain intact even after you fouled the rules of business engagement or fell short of organisational expectations.

Friday, 18 March 2022

Everything About Your Work Has Financial Value

skyscrapers were people work and provide financial value stretching out to the blue sky with clouds

Everything about your work has financial value


Everything we do in the office, about work or around the office has financial value, either profit or loss. How we feel about this or react to it does not change that fact, we only need to align ourselves as required per time.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

The Naïve vs the Smart Worker

woman working on laptop computer in front of her to show that she is a smart and not a naïve worker

The naïve vs the smart worker


The naïve worker believes that a long-drawn dutiful and energetic activity done over a stretch of time is the key to success in the workplace. The smart worker knows that a perfect blend of intelligence and focused efforts deployed toward the same end within an increasingly decreasing timeline is the key to accelerated climbing of the corporate ladder.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

The Absurdity That Follows a Job Search

hand with ipad filling out a job application form

The absurdity that follows a job search


One of the absurdities I have observed in this part of the world is that people are more diligent and painstaking in looking for a job than in working when they finally land a job.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

What Does Feedback Mean to You?

feedback written in chalk on a blackboard

What Does Feedback Mean to You?


Feedback is meant to better our deliverables and improve our processes, and not all of it will be communicated in an agreeable manner. Our duty is to take it in good faith and treat it on its merit without creating bad blood in the process.

Monday, 14 March 2022

An Assignment is a Bestowal of Trust

man writing notes on table beside laptop to complete assignment and avoid betrayal of trust

Assignment or delegation is a bestowal of trust, it is better declined than broken.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

The Welfare of Your Computer

Apple desktop on a white setting owned by a person who cares about the welfare of his computer

The welfare of your computer


A computer has no welfare regimen on its own except as wrought by its operator, and the ailments of these tools are as a result of how we manage them. So, blame not your system, but your handling of it, for whatever lapses it is outputting. The computer is not responsible for its own welfare.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Only Attitude and Work Rate Will Get You Favoured

silhouette of man with the right attitude and work rate standing on rock near body of water during daytime

Only attitude and work rate will get you favoured


You won’t gain any mileage from an intelligent person by scheming and pushing. Only the right attitude and sincere work rate will get you favoured, not one done with eye service because that is also scheming.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Your Parent Organisation and You

man holding yellow emoji with disappointed face showing unhappiness towards the relationship between your parent organisation and you

Your parent organisation and you


If your brand is stronger, your voice is louder and you are more visible than your parent organisation, you are not wise. They will soon gain from losing you.