Monday, 4 April 2022

Failure, Success and the Game of Life


laptop screened turned into bulletin board with many post-it notes of different colours on it outside on table daytime describing how people meet failure by focusing on issues of low importance

Failure, Success and the Game of Life


Most failures and average turnouts did not stem from not trying or exerting oneself. Most people actually tried their best to succeed; it is just that many majored on minor things and placed more emphasis on issues of less importance in the overall game of life. 

Friday, 1 April 2022

The Best Tutors of Moneymaking

pile of 20 euro cent coins encouraging moneymaking

The best tutors of moneymaking


Moneymaking cannot be taught in school because most of the tutors will either be unqualified to teach it or may be teaching what they do not live. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. No other phenomenon captures that truism better than wealth accumulation. The qualified tutors are about 2% of 7+billion people. If you remove those that stole the money they have from that percentage, the number of the eligible is further reduced. And one thing that is common to this elite clique is how they manage time. They prioritise more important things such that they have little time for other things, least of which is teaching arduous principles of wealth to a bunch of pupils who are looking for quick fixes.

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Forge Ahead If Others Are Dragging Their Feet

road to forge ahead with forests by the side showing speed perspective

Forge ahead if others are dragging their feet


I am of the school of thought to forge ahead if others are dragging their feet on anything, particularly if you are the one that will be answerable for results at the end of the day.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Your Professional Development

woman professional sitting at table and working on laptop computer with book and coffee beside her

Your professional development


A measure of your professional development is measuring how many submissions you are asked to rework by your superiors in a given week/month against the total number of your accepted deliveries. Paying close attention to this very important metric will help you to see how far you have developed as a professional or need to develop.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Passing the Buck

man in black suit and red tie passing the buck

Passing the buck


Inasmuch as it is fitting not to pass the buck, there are legitimate occasions when the buck must be passed for corporate good and whoever it is passed to must accept it in good faith in the spirit of collective responsibility and move on.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Gauge Its Impact Before You Explore It

water with a splash and ripples from the impact of pebble

Gauge its impact before you explore it


Once you know the importance your team or organisation places on an ideal, anything that will make you compromise that standard should be gauged on its impact value to help you ascertain if you should explore it.

Friday, 25 March 2022

To Stand Out, Focus on the Big Picture

red apple beside green pears as an example of what it means to stand out

To stand out, focus on the big picture 

To stand out at work, do not get stuck in the rut of merely doing things or the usual rounds. Focus on the big picture and work with that consciousness in mind.