Tuesday 5 December 2017

The Fear Factor in Life (Part 1)

What is Fear?
The overriding cause of fear is excessive preoccupation with the Self.

Types of Fear: 
1. Fear of Failure
2. Fear of Making Mistakes
3. Fear of rejection
4. Fear of change
5. Fear of confrontation
6. Fear of loss
7. Fear of success!
8. Fear of the Unknown

The biggest barrier that most people have to overcome is fear. It is this fear (and all of its cousins like worry, anxiety, and self-doubt) that paralyses you, and keeps you from succeeding.

No matter how foolish or humorous another person’s fears may seem to us, our own seem serious. If allowed to control our lives, fear can be a permanent detour on the success journey, stopping us from making any progress.

Fear breeds Inaction Inaction leads to Lack of Experience Lack of Experience fosters Ignorance; and Ignorance breeds Fear - John Maxwell


  • Procrastination
  • Sluggishness
  • Not taking Initiative
  • Laziness & Indecision
  • Timidity
  • Introversion
  • Reticence (Uncommunicative)
  • Inactivity 

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