Review your work
Top performers have reviews ingrained
in their system. If you have done something you should look at it again and ask
yourself questions: Is this the best I can come up with or can I do better?
They review their day; how has my day been, how have I fared? At home, how have
I fared? Have I bonded with my family members? Have I bonded with my wife,
husband, children? Review your work, your day, your professional life, your
family life, your spiritual life so you can know if you are on track or off
The holy book counsels that you
examine yourself to see if you are still in the faith. A popular saying goes
that ‘an unexamined life is not worth living.’ A life that is not being
assessed is not worth living. You have to be able to review your own
performance before you are assessed by your superiors. You should also review
your day, week, month, quarter and year. This helps you to know what you have
accomplished so that you can report it and get the confidence boost to do more.
It also helps you to know what is outstanding so you can pursue it. Star
performers review their work, output, day, conduct and actions.